Monday, November 19, 2007

Days 17-18 (Printing)

Twenty minutes later, he'd hastily printed out listings for all
the nearby theaters he knew how to get to, and was outside
Rosetta's workplace, still in his car. As he was glancing through
them for a suitable show, the passenger door opened.

``The Fifth Stop.'' Rose said simply, buckling herself in.

Grant blinked, then looked back down at his listings hurriedly.
There was no movie by that name. Right as he was about to open
his mouth to suggest he'd have to look up more listings, Rosetta
spoke up again.

``Don't worry about it,'' she was smiling. ``I just made that up.''

Grant blinked again.

Rose ignored him, continuing on. ``In my mind, it's a movie that
takes place on a bus, and there's four parts. Each part focuses
on someone who gets on and then off on the next stop. And then on
the fifth stop something dramatic happens, like they're actually
the same person with multiple personalities or something.''

``Shouldn't there be five parts?'' Grant found himself, as usual,
trying to keep up. ``One for each stop?''

``No, there's five stops but four spots in between the stops, you
see.'' She ticked them off on her fingers. ``First to second,
second to third, third to fourth, and fourth to fifth.''

``You're insane.'' he said.

She shrugged. ``You haven't kicked me out of the car yet.''

``I don't plan to, either'' Grant replied, smiling. He looked
back down at his listings and picked a movie at random.

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