Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Table of Contents

  1. Prologue

  2. Immobile

  3. Power

  4. Recycling

  5. Payroll

  6. Disappointment

  7. Love

  8. Printing

  9. Deus Ex

  10. Alignment

  11. Alarm

  12. Eavesdropping

  13. Moving

  14. Discovery

  15. Coincidence

  16. Epilogue

I Win.

50,756 words.

I thought jetlag would do me in. There was a week where I hardly wrote at all. I thought the end was near, and then somehow I wrote a heroic 3,700 words over the course of a weekend. That was my rallying point.

In a few moments I'll do the table of contents. Then I'm off to sing Queen's "We are the Champions" in a karaoke bar. I've earned it :)